M.J. Quintana

Hello and welcome to my blog for my New Testament History and Literature class. This semester my class is reading the NT and I will be blogging about my thoughts about my readings. Feel free to comment on my posts if you would like. :)

M.J. Quintana
NT History and Lit

Monday, November 21, 2011

Luke 6-End

Luke Ch. 6-9

Jesus is healing on the Sabbath day which is making the Pharisees very unhappy. John sends his disciples out to see if this man is, in fact, the Christ. His disciples confirm that it is He. A woman comes up to Jesus and washes his feet with her hair and perfume, Jesus tells her that she has been forgiven much. Jesus casts demons out of a man and into pigs. A woman grasped to Jesus and was immediately healed of her bleeding. Jesus fed the 5,000, predicted his betrayel.
Imagination Question: If Jesus didn’t heal on the Sabbath would the Pharisees be more on board with him being the Son of Man?
Critical Question: Why did the demons have to be cast into the pigs?

Luke Ch. 10-12

Jesus sent out 72 in pairs to heal and proclaim God’s kingdom. He illustrated the 2nd greatest commandment. He traveled home to find Martha worrisome. But Mary sat calm with Jesus. Jesus taught the disciples about prayer. Jesus warned the disciples about the hypocrisy and lies of the Pharisees.
Imagination Question: What if Mary and Martha had both been worried about one thing or another?
Critical Question: Why did Jesus send out 72, no more, no less?

Luke Ch. 13-15

Jesus warned that all would perish. Jesus once again healed on the Sabbath but this time He defended His works. He taught people about God’s kingdom. He didn’t get upset by Herod’s threat and mourned over Jerusalem. Jesus taught in Parable’s while healing at a Pharisee’s home on the Sabbath. His final parable was about a boy who returned to his father and his father being so rejoiced to see him.

Imagination Question: Why is the young boy returning to his father relevant in the bible?
Critical Question: If we all know that healing on the Sabbath is wrong in the eyes of the Pharisees why is it documented so much in the NT?

Luke Ch. 16-18

Jesus told of a certain rich man who enjoyed the good life but suffered for eternity and of a poor man, who lived at the rich man’s gates, who suffered during his life but was comforted in the afterlife. Jesus warned His disciples not to cause another to sin but to forgive anyone who sins against them but repents. Jesus told His disciples a parable about a woman who persistently pleaded for justice until she received it to illustrate the virtue of persistence in prayer.

Imagination Question: Did the rich man go to heaven or hell upon death?
Critical Question: Why is Jesus so adamant on demonstrating forgiveness?

Luke Ch. 19-21

Jesus rides to Jerusalem on a horse and the people are excited to see him. Jesus is remorseful because of the coming destruction. Drives out the sellers in the temple courts. Jesus observed the generous woman who gave to them temple all she had. Jesus warned his disciples of the coming persecution.

Imagination Question: Why is it important that Luke says the type of horse Jesus road up in?
Critical Question: How would you feel learning about your persecution to come?

Luke Ch. 22-24

Judas betrayed Jesus because Satan enters him. Jesus explains the wine and the bread as his body and blood. Peter betrays Jesus. Jesus is mocked and beaten and questioned. Jesus was crucified. Rose from the read and appears to two of his disciples. He ascends to heaven.

Imagination Question: Thinking on this time, being in Judas and Peters position do you think you would ever betray Jesus?
Critical Question: How would you react to Jesus raising after his crucifixtion?

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